Low-Code No-Code App Development
Quixy Editorial Team
August 9, 2023
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Low-code/no-code development is on the fast track to being the norm. Large and small organizations have started embracing it thanks to the many benefits it shows to everyone involved.

Low-Code No-Code App Development

For anyone who is still not sure or still thinks why no-code? We list out 10 top reasons for IT to consider low-code, no-code app development.

Reason 1 – IT is spending a lot

Where do you think most of the IT budget goes each year? Maintenance of the systems. This is why there’s little to nothing left to spare for new and futuristic projects. Sadly, the same organizations are always pushing for innovation. These two phenomena contradict each other.

The challenge here is to either find a way to reduce costs or increase the budget to fund important projects that will determine the company’s future.

Solution – Low-code, no-code app development takes care of this problem by reducing application development and maintenance costs significantly. Organizations do not have to spend exorbitant money on existing projects once they shift to low-code, no-code. With no-code platforms, citizen developers can build and maintain applications eliminating the need for expensive professional developers.

Reason 2 – IT treats every project the same

Projects are of different types with different expectations. However, IT has a track record of treating every single project in the exact same way. This means that you have a template strategy and process that every project must abide by. As a result, there’s a lot of rigidity, and the outcome is flawed. How can the same strategy be applied to large core processes and dynamic projects?

Solution – Low-code, no-code app development platforms make business process management easy with their flexibility and ease of use. Every single process can be approached with a tailored strategy and treated uniquely while saving time and money. Citizen developers in each department can solve their unique challenges and build applications the way they want as per their needs without having to go for a one-size-fits-all approach.

Reason 3 – IT relies heavily on code

IT relies heavily on code

This is not a hidden fact. All IT companies love their code. Code ruled with an iron fist for many years, and no one really made a big deal about its flaws. Today, we have a different story – there is an alternative. That’s why the biggest flaw in code has become obvious. It is slow and expensive. So, while it is good to use code, it is wrong to rely on it completely.

The IT department and the business need a common ground – something they both understand and can use to roll out new projects and streamline processes quickly.

Solution – Low-code, no-code app development platforms are quick, easy to use, and innovative. They provide intuitive and visual drag-and-drop interfaces that can be used by business users to build an application quickly, integrate them with other systems, deploy them, and use them on any device. All this without writing no or very little code. They free up the IT department for more complicated processes and put the power in the hand of citizen developers to quickly churn out solutions while the IT team can govern the usage of the platforms.

Also read: Everything you should know about No-Code Development

Reason 4 – IT has too many backlogs

We all blame the pandemic for the sudden rise in backlogs, but there’s no hiding the fact that backlogs in IT were always a matter of concern. They were always there. Due to these backlogs, businesses suffer massively in the application development department, making everything else go haywire. The only way to eliminate this issue is to speed things up.

Solution – You will absolutely fall in love with low-code no-code app development here! It is so fast that in no time, IT can catch up with the business and clear all backlogs. The department will also feel less burdened because now, they work in collaboration with the other departments, taking innovative suggestions, etc., as needed. Most low-code no-code platforms provide ready-to-use components that further speed up the development process, and the best part is they allow you to create enterprise-grade apps.

Reason 5 – IT fails are quite frequent

Large IT projects have an astonishing failure rate. Plus, many projects are challenged due to budgets, deadlines, and expectations. In fact, around 37% of projects fail because there’s no defined milestone or objective. Plus, 70% of all projects are vulnerable to failure. How do you improve this percentage and ease things for the IT department? The answer is, of course, low-code no-code app development.

Solution – When businesses adopt low-code no-code app development, they make projects move faster without needing expensive professional developers. This reduces project failure rates associated with cost or schedule overrun. Also, since business users themselves develop applications using low-code no-code, the possibility of failure due to output not meeting customer’s expectations is also eliminated.


Reason 6 – IT is riddled with unhappiness

We must all face this bitter fact – this elephant in the room. Businesses are not very happy with the speed at which IT is able to drive innovation in the business. As per a recent survey by Mckinsey, even though most of the executives agreed that innovating business is critical, only 21% believed they were equipped with the right resources and IT expertise to pursue new growth successfully.

Solution – Once low-code, no-code app development has brought a paradigm shift to how innovation is driven in an organization. Now everyone can be a creator and an innovator. Low-code, no-code platforms have given the power to business users to convert their ideas into applications in hours and days. While business users solve their unique challenges and build apps, the IT team can provide the overall governance to manage the development using these platforms. The business is now directly involved in app development, improving project satisfaction because the organization is working towards a common goal.

Also Read: Avoiding No-Code Technology: The Costly Business Mistake You Can’t Afford

Reason 7 – Things are changing – FAST

They say change is the only constant today; rapid change is the constant! New technologies are coming in quickly, and the IT departments frequently find it very hard to keep track – let alone start implementing them! The biggest problem this gives rise to is that businesses lose the chance to capitalize.

Solution – It’s all about speed, agility, and flexibility. And that is exactly why low-code, no-code app development makes the most sense for IT today. Plus, it allows the business to change its processes without stress.

Also read: The Future of Software is No Code and Low Code Programming

Reason 8 – The disruption in the IT industry is massive

The sheer volume of new players is mind-boggling. Every new player has something new and innovative, leaving the established players to play catch. To ensure that they survive the storm, businesses need to be agile.

Solution – When low-code no-code app development becomes a part of the system, things are automatically faster, collaborative, and agile. Thanks to this, they can easily compete with new players and thrive!

Reason 9 – Everything must be open and connected

open and connected

Big data, cloud, social, and mobile have transformed the world. There’s a need for businesses to always stay “on.” This requires connectedness across people, processes, data, and devices. With traditional systems, this is not possible. Hence, IT must find a way to integrate apps and ensure that they work on multiple devices.

Solution – Low-code and no-code platforms work with the cloud to store data. They also give you the freedom to build portable and mobile-friendly apps. Most platforms provide ready-to-use adapters that can be used to integrate apps with any third-party systems with a click of a button. These apps, thus, work anytime and anywhere – no one is tied down!

Reason 10 – Users are expecting more by the day

Today’s users are spoiled by choice. Their expectations are, thus, over the roof. They want applications that are intuitive, quick, and intelligent. If anything requires training, it is an instant downer. The key here is SIMPLICITY.

Solution – Low-code, no-code app development is the definition of simplicity! It prides itself on transforming designs and apps to be simple right from the get-go to the end.


In short, the shift has already begun, and the movement is rapid. Soon, we will see a major change in how IT functions in every organization, but for this to happen, businesses must embrace rapid app development. The myths around no-code, low-code development have been debunked by many advancing platforms; IT now feels more empowered after using no-code platforms.

Quixy is a leading no-code app development platform that eases how an organization innovates and functions, bringing various departments together to work with IT with a common goal. Get started with our platform, and experience the ease of automated processes and personalized app building.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Why is low-code no-code important?

Low-code no-code is important because it empowers non-developers to create software and automate processes, making technology more accessible and driving efficiency in various industries.

What advantages do low-code IT development offer?

Low-code IT development offers advantages like faster app development, cost savings, and greater collaboration between IT and business teams, ultimately improving productivity and innovation.

Is low-code no-code the future of software development?

Low-code no-code is a significant part of the future of software development, especially for the rapid development of routine applications. While not replacing traditional coding, it enhances the development landscape.

Which is better no-code or low-code?

The choice between no-code and low-code depends on your specific needs. No-code is code-free and more user-friendly, while low-code offers some coding flexibility. The “better” one depends on your comfort level with coding.

What do developers think of low-code?

Developers have mixed opinions about low-code. Some appreciate its ability to simplify tasks, while others may be concerned about potential limitations or the risk of oversimplification. It varies based on individual perspectives and project requirements.

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