App development
Quixy Editorial Team
February 14, 2024
Reading Time: 6 minutes

It’s getting easier, you guys!

In a few years from now, we are going to look back to the “good old days” with nostalgia and remember how we had to depend on a professional coder for the simplest of app developments.

Thank you, no-code programming!

According to Research and Markets, the low-code no-code market is expected to generate revenue of $187.0 billion by 2030.

The question that arises now is – Why are no-code platforms getting so much attention? We shall answer this in our article today.

The power of no-code or low-code app development programs

The International Data Corporation (IDC) forecasts that the global creation of cloud-native applications will reach 750 million by the year 2025. That is much more than decades of apps put together!

In other words, the demand for digital transformation has triggered the rise of apps developed by businesses. There aren’t enough qualified developers or platforms to meet this demand. Also, there are drastic changes in the way we perceive technology. This has contributed massively to the embracing of no-code development. Let’s take a look at the nuances of this:

What do you think is the future of No-Code Low-Code?

8 Reasons why no-code low-code platform adoption is taking off

1. Meeting the growing demand for enterprise apps

According to Gartner, the market demand for app development services will grow at least 5x faster than the IT capacity to deliver them. With no-code citizen development, the rapidly increasing demands of software development can be satisfied. No-code citizen app development frees up the headspace of developers to focus on critical issues. 

2. Cloud disruption has made technology accessible to all

Remember those days when technology was only for the elite? Only large businesses could use it to develop apps and maintain the legacy. This was because it was exorbitantly expensive to buy the hardware and build applications. It was just as difficult and expensive to modify them. So, systems remained rigid. Small businesses suffered massively here due to dependency and lack of funds.

No-code programming illustration

Thanks to the cloud, you only need an Internet connection. Even a micro startup can build an app without worrying about costs or infrastructure. In fact, small businesses are doing it faster than large ones, forcing them to be a part of the change and use no-code platforms for agility.

The tables have indeed turned!

3. Goodbye legacy systems!

The traditional legacy systems were not effective in that they were inflexible and difficult. The team could only fill data in spreadsheets or paper and send it over to the central office for filing. These steps increased the risk of errors and slowed down the entire process. Cloud has disrupted legacy systems and has brought flexibility to the workplace. With the rise of no-code, low-code citizen development teams now operate with transparency and automation, which is why you will barely ever come across errors. The whole process is faster as well.

What’s more, this whole thing is customizable depending on changing needs. The dependency is almost zero!

4. IT dependency has reduced

Traditional work models required the involvement of IT at every step. Developers decided everything about the application, and the team accepted it. Cloud and no-code programming have flipped the model and reduced dependency on IT. Anyone can now turn into a creator (read citizen developers)!

IT infrastructure and resources are also extremely expensive; most businesses cannot afford them. Cloud-based No-code programming is the perfect solution, thus. Further, this lessens the burden on developers to focus on the company’s more complicated, operations-driven work.

Also read: The Rise of the Citizen Developer and why should every business care?

5. Agility is the way to go!

With the ever-evolving business conditions and changing customer needs, it is the need of the hour for businesses to become agile. Unlike traditional development, no-code/low-code platforms enable business users to make application changes quickly and easily. The simple drag-and-drop development ability of no-code platforms makes updating and redesigning applications effortless. This allows companies to take advantage of the market opportunities and avoid any risks.


6. Utilizing Internal Resources

No-code, low-code platforms provide users the ability to build applications with an intuitive and easy-to-use design interface. This enables individuals to build apps without any extensive programming or coding knowledge.

A company can assign individuals, who have first-hand experience on the issue, to build apps and solutions on their own without having to hire somebody from the outside. With problem-solving ability and creativity at work for building apps, companies can ensure the optimum utilization of internal resources.

Explore Infographic: Benefits of No-Code Platforms

7. Lowering costs

Gone are the days when you had to wait for a long time for the changes to be done on the apps or spend a big chunk of money creating solutions. Codeless application development will:

  • Eliminate the need to hire expensive software developers
  • Reduce the software development cycle period
  • Carry low-maintenance costs for software

8. Monitoring Shadow IT

In the bid to achieve faster and more effective solutions, business users tend to switch to external software without consultation with the IT department. By providing the freedom to business users to develop any solution they need, no-code citizen development platforms eliminate the need to rely on security-threatening external solutions. Individuals can create solutions with consultation or collaboration with the IT department, ensuring increased visibility, collaboration, and mitigating risks.

9. Shortage of Developers

According to PMI, 86% of IT decision-makers consider the scarcity of software developers as the most significant obstacle to digitally transforming their business. The demand for skilled workers in the tech industry is not limited to the US, as the global talent shortage has reached 40 million skilled workers. Shockingly, this number is expected to rise to 85.2 million by 2030.

As a result of this shortage, companies worldwide are facing the prospect of losing a staggering $8.4 trillion in revenue due to the unavailability of qualified professionals. These numbers highlight the pressing need to address the skills gap and develop more talent to meet the growing demands of the tech industry.

Also Read: Making Shadow IT a Frenemy with Citizen Development

More benefits of no-code programming include:

  • Faster application development
  • Improving business functions
  • High-quality output
  • Fewer to no backlogs

What no-code software really looks like

We shall take the example of Quixy to explain this in simple words.

You head over to the app builder provided by Quixy based on your requirement and use the editor to add/edit features. There are multiple pre-defined templates based on industry to choose from, further accelerating the development process.

Once you are done, you can deploy it with a click of a button and then use the app on any device from anywhere.

MISCONCEPTION ALERT – no-code programming is only for simple apps.

This is completely false and stems from the thought process that since low-code/no-code app development is easy; it must only apply to simple development.

low code and no code development

Today’s platforms can help you build end-to-end enterprise applications without writing a single line of code.

Low-code vs no-code in the enterprise

The terms have been used interchangeably since the start of digital transformation, but they are not all the same. The most significant difference between low-code and no-code development is that low-code app development platforms are for developers, while no-code platforms are for everyone! This means that low code still requires coding, which can be quite complicated for a non-technical person. No-code programming is completely coding-free.

traditional coding vs low-code vs no-code

Having said that, you must note that low code is any day better than the traditional application development method and requires less or no technical expertise. This is why it is no wonder that Gartner’s research suggests all over 65% of app development activity will be low-code or no-code by 2024.

How to drive innovation without coding

It is faster, more efficient, and is known to increase user satisfaction (source: thenewstack). But is that it?

There’s more!

No-code programming drives innovation, which is absolutely the need of the hour at the moment. Businesses that don’t innovate consistently tend to fall behind. This is because innovation drives revenue growth, enhances customer experience, and accelerates the development of new products/services. (Source: Gartner)

 innovation without coding

How does no-coding help? Well, it removes the complexity involved in developing solutions. Since it is easy and quick, it is a seamless platform to imagine, integrate, and innovate. It makes the world your oyster!

Also Read: 9 Essential Tips for Optimizing No-Code Platform Capabilities

Is there any doubt now that the low-code/no-code movement is here to stay and amplify? Absolutely not!

Also Read: Why Choose Quixy as Your No-Code Application Development Platform?


No-Code and Low-Code are the future of software development. In times to come, more and more application development will be done by citizen developers using no-code and low-code platforms, with it will provide the required governance for the development across the business functions.

Quixy is a leading no-code application development platform that is being used by businesses in various industries to develop software without writing any code. Check out some of the success stories here.

Don’t miss out on the chance to elevate your processes. Take the first step and get started with Quixy today. 

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