  • Workflow Automation Software
    Top 10 Workflow Automation Software for your Business 
    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    Do you know 90% of your employees are being hindered by repetitive tasks that can be automated? If you aim to avoid this hindrance, workflow automation software is your solution. Workflow automation software will help you automate mundane tasks and make your overall business processes efficient, thereby helping you save 20%-30% of revenue per year.

    No-Code App Builders
    Explore the Top 20+ No-Code App Builders of 2024
    Reading Time: 11 minutes

    Has it ever happened that you came up with a brilliant idea for an app, but the IT team couldn’t execute it because of time constraints? You don’t have to depend on your IT staff as you can build applications yourself. We are talking about no-code app development tools here. With these tools, you can

    Field service management solutions
    Top Field Service Management (FSM) Solutions
    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    With the help of field service management solutions, modern companies can process job orders, dispatch technicians, collect payments, and so much more.  To secure your seat on this fast-moving train, you have to have the right tools at your disposal to efficiently manage your complex set of daily processes – from managing incoming service orders

    Citizen Development Platforms
    Top 5 Citizen Development Platforms to Create Business Apps
    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    Are you tired of long delays from the IT department and need a way to quickly get a software solution to fulfill your needs? Consider investing in citizen development platforms that empower business users to build custom applications without writing any line of code. These tools use no code/low code technology that allows anyone to

    Learning resources
    Top News and Learning Resources on Citizen Development to follow in 2024
    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    The world is entering a new era dominated by citizen development and no-code and with good reason. Citizen development enables anyone with or without coding expertise to build applications within no time and at a fraction of the cost. With no-code platforms, citizen developers can customize applications according to the needs and requirements of every

    No-Code Startups
    Top 10 No-Code Startups Disrupting Industries
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    These days, websites, web apps, and mobile apps are necessary parts of our existence. Building these websites and apps used to take a long time and a lot of coding expertise. However, with the no-code trend gaining traction and steadily sweeping over the tech sector, this is no longer the case. The term “no-code movement”

    No-Code Agencies
    Top 13 No-Code Agencies for 2024
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    According to Gartner, 65% of app activity will result from no-code development by 2024. Some no-code platforms are pretty complicated and not easy to learn, but the primary purpose of no-code is to allow people who need coding skills to build their products. Suppose you want to avoid time figuring everything out yourself. You may

    No-code low-code citizen development event Summit
    Top 7 No-Code Low-Code Citizen Development Events that you can’t afford to miss
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    Imagine conferences, meetups, and events as not just places to swap business cards, but as vibrant hubs where ideas flow freely. In the world of no-code and low-code citizen development, these gatherings are like family reunions for builders who prefer clicks over code. You’re not just there to learn; you’re there to be inspired, make

    Business Process Automation
    Top 10 Business Process Automation Benefits
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    Business process automation is rapidly becoming a strategic enabler of market control. Technological innovations and the growth of cloud computing facilitated the transformation of business processes from ‘re-engineering’ to ‘automation’. Today, the aim is to maximize automation rather than re-engineer it. But why? What are the real business process automation benefits? Let’s learn about the

    80+ Eye-Opening Social Media Statistics for Every Channel
    80+ Eye-Opening Social Media Statistics for Every Channel
    Reading Time: 10 minutes

    “The goal of social media is to turn customers into a volunteer marketing army.” -Jay Baer When it comes to digital marketing, Social media platforms are incredibly important. With 9 out of 10 internet users using social one or the other social media platform, it is out of the question to leave such a valuable

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