  • No-code for business
    Unleashing the Beast: No-Code for Business Problems
    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    This article was first published on Customer Think As Chris Wansthrath, CEO of GitHub says, “The future of coding is no coding at all”, the greatest innovation of today is no-code for business solutions- from ground-level processes to entire digital business strategies. The future of coding is no coding at all. Chris Wansthrath, CEO of GitHub

    digital transformation tools
    3 must-have Digital Transformation tools for Business Continuity
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    Everyone in the business world is talking about Digital Transformation Tools, Digital Workplaces, and Business Continuity. But what is the connection between them? Is the hype worth it? Let’s explore. Also read: Digital Transformation Demystified !! The world is witnessing an unprecedented phenomenon in the form of a pandemic that is wreaking havoc in every

    Business industries with no-code
    Empowering Business Industries with No-Code Solutions: Top Beneficiaries Revealed!
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    Did you know that 31% of business industries have fully automated at least one function? Digital transformation has been at the forefront of innovation in every industry, and now it can be achieved by anyone without spending hours coding. Sounds impossible? Not anymore! Thanks to the introduction of no-code platforms, building an application is more

    No-code Strategies
    No-Code Strategies to Transform Technology into a Productivity Booster, not a Time-Sink
    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    This article was first published in TOI Reader’s Blog. “Empowering Citizen Developers to turn their ideas into reality without writing a single line of code – that’s the magic of No-Code Low-Code.” Are you tired of being bogged down by manual, time-consuming tasks? Enter the world of low-code and no-code automation! With low-code no-code strategies in

    Quixy team uses Quixy
    Transforming Operations: How Quixy Team uses Quixy to Enhance Efficiency
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    In today’s fast-paced business world, every organization strives to be more efficient and productive, Quixy team is no exception, as Quixy team uses Quixy Apps to manage their day-to-day tasks and streamline their workflows. Also, with a constantly evolving set of tools, features, integrations, and automation capabilities, Quixy has become an essential tool for businesses of all

    Automation Glossary
    Automation Glossary: Master the A to Z of Automation
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    Like terminologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) a few years ago, new terms like Business Process Automation (BPA) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) have started to appear often in the IT and corporate technology debate. Organizations worldwide are simultaneously understanding the advantages of automation and working to incorporate it into their

    No-code in education
    No-Code in Education Space: Advancing the Automation Reform
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    Education is sometimes perceived as a sector which is resistant to change, while at the same time, it faces a crisis of productivity and efficiency. Innovation and automation reform could help improvise education standards and strengthen the foundation of a civilized and developed society. The advent of no-code in education can help build the leaders

    Automating Employee verification
    Automation of Employee Verification Process: Integration of DigiLocker on Quixy
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    Onboarding is the process of introducing and integrating new employees into the organization. Employee Verification is one of the key steps in the onboarding process. It involves verifying employee details and the documents submitted by the Employee. The manual process involves receiving, processing and tracking applications manually, with a large amount of paperwork and different

    Project management challenges
    Mastering Top 10 Project Management Challenges: Expert Strategies for Success
    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    Are you a project manager looking to improve your team’s workflow through project management hacks? Do you need help with the number of tasks and deadlines you must keep track of? Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered! Top 10 Project Management Challenges Navigating the dynamic landscape of project management comes with its own set of

    digital transformation
    Digital Transformation Demystified !!
    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    Digital transformation in businesses has now become imperative. In a recent survey, 87% of participating business leaders said they feel at risk if they fail to innovate digitally. The same message comes across from every conference, keynote, panel discussion, article, analyst report, or study on how businesses can remain competitive and relevant as the world becomes

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