  • In-App Feedback
    Get quick help with Quixy’s Feedback feature
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    What our end users experience on the platform matters to us. We wish to know where they are experiencing inconvenience, what they want, what they think, and where do they want us to improve. We pondered how we create a frictionless experience for our end users to share feedback and suggestions while targeting the right audience

    Content Marketing Workflow
    Automating your Content Marketing Workflow is a walk in the park with Quixy
    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    A letter from a content strategist! One of the best feelings in this world for me is to see my blog ranking on the first page of google, but that is just one part. When somebody comes and tells you that your blog was insightful or how their website information can make a valuable addition

    Automating Employee verification
    Automation of Employee Verification Process: Integration of DigiLocker on Quixy
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    Employee Onboarding is the process of introducing and integrating new employees into the organization. Employee Verification is one of the key steps in the onboarding process. It involves verifying employee details and the documents submitted by the Employee. The manual process involves receiving, processing and tracking applications manually, with a large amount of paperwork and

    Harness the true potential of Quixy with Web Services and Integrations
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    Today, Enterprise IT is no longer a monolith consisting of a few disparate systems with little-to-no cross-connectivity but an amalgamation of multiple products and tools working in unison, driving the IT-led business strategy forward. The ability of a system to share data across the internal & external ecosystem is the critical ask-of-the-hour. Business & IT

    Facial Recognition
    Quixy’s Facial Recognition feature to do away with manual verification!
    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    Facial recognition, at its most basic level, entails recognizing or validating someone based on the qualities and features of their face. Algorithms identify vital points on the face, such as the form of one’s chin, and construct a template for that person in the most common type of facial recognition. It can be most accurate

    Themes Studio
    Make our No-Code Platform your own: Quixy’s Themes Studio feature is here!
    Reading Time: 2 minutes

    General-purpose No-code platforms help enterprise users quickly automate processes and build apps without writing any code. These platforms give the power to business users to innovate and build custom solutions for their unique problems without burdening the IT teams. Also Read: Customizable Branding with Quixy: Empower Your Brand However, considering the fact that these no-code

    Multi-factor Authentication
    Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) in action at Quixy
    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    Do you remember all the passwords that you have ever set or are you normal and tap on the forgot password tab instead? Fact is, we use a variety of apps on a regular basis, and remembering the passwords for all of them is difficult. To circumvent this problem, users often use the same password

    Data security
    OTP based Secured Customer Support Access to ensure Data Security
    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    Needless to say, data security is one of the topmost priorities of enterprises. They take stringent measures to ensure data security by adopting various practices like security protocols, encryption, program updates, Zero Trust security models etc. They also outline strict policies for their workforce to adhere to, as data security is everyone’s responsibility. And why

    No-Code eBook