tech disruptions
Quixy Editorial Team
August 9, 2023
Reading Time: 5 minutes

This article was first published on IT Chronicles

2022 was a power-packed year. We witnessed a return to the new normal post-pandemic. New ways of working and collaborating ruled the business world. Many disruptions and innovations, such as ChatGPT, shook the scene like never before. Economic issues, rampant mergers and acquisitions, layoffs, shifting talent pools, rapid funding activities, tech disruptions, and more; this year had it all. 

Now is the time to ponder upon the various lessons learned from the year gone by and shift our focus to the upcoming year. Tech disruptions will witness some of the same trends from 2022 rising to the next level while also having some surprises for us. 

The acceleration of digital transformation initiatives in the past few years makes it extremely crucial for businesses to look for the top tech trends that will dominate the industry. As we say time and again, being digital-first is no longer a good-to-have, it is an absolute must-have. However, it can be difficult to constantly identify upcoming tech disruption trends and analyze their relevance to your business. 

Worry not because we have you covered.

Also Read: Advancements Ahead: Top 12 Strategic Technology Trends  

We have compiled a list of the top seven technological disruption trends of 2023 to look out for. Let’s dive in!

1. Low-Code No-Code will Lead the Way

The pandemic has led to massive shifts in the technology landscape. Many organizations replaced legacy processes and technologies with responsive and robust new-age applications to become resilient and agile. One of the most notable mentions here is low-code no-code technology. With the ever-rising need to develop applications, over-dependence on IT departments is not a choice. No-code technology allows business users to create applications without a single line of code, all while being super fast and cost-effective. Using simple visual tools such as drag and drop, no-code technology allows users to create solutions to the problems they understand best. 

Numbers and forecasts strongly support the rise of low-code no-code technology as well. Gartner predicts that the global market for low-code no-code development technologies is projected to touch a whopping $26.9 billion in 2023, recording an increase of 19.6% from 2022. The McKinsey Technology Trends Outlook 2022 has also named ‘Next-Generation Software Development’ through low-code and no-code platforms as one of the top 14 technology trends. The benefits of no-code technology are endless, from automation to efficient process improvement. These factors make low-code no-code technology one of the most significant trends to watch out for in 2023. 

2. Doing More with Hyperautomation 

Digital laggards having paper-based processes faced many issues when the pandemic struck, and work became remote. On the other hand, digital-first organizations reaped many benefits from adopting automation and going paperless. Come 2023. The choice is no longer between paper and paperless; automation has become the primary standard, and 2023 is all set to witness the phenomenon of hyper-automation. 

For the uninitiated, hyper-automation refers to a new wave of automation that is essentially built on top of existing automation. Gartner defines hyper-automation as “a business-driven, disciplined approach that organizations use to rapidly identify, vet, and automate as many business and IT processes as possible.” In addition to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), one of the most valuable technologies to achieve this goal is no-code technology. These advanced technologies can go a long way in scaling the automation capabilities of your organization to new heights in 2023. 

3. Rise of 5G and IoT

5G will soon be more widespread than ever, while integration with the Internet of Things (IoT) will be at an all-time high. This means that organizations will have enormous amounts of data to process, monitor, and manage. Organizations will need to develop a strategy for real-time data collection to do so successfully. 

The intelligent twins, i.e., 5G and IoT, will provide organizations with significant opportunities in real-time analytics. Investments in IoT devices and tools will allow organizations to make the most out of this opportunity. This will also enable organizations to prepare the next generation of the workforce with the right tools and knowledge to thrive in a data-driven environment. 

Also Read: Unleashing Power of Innovation: Top 10 Digital Transformation Trends

4. Everything will be on Cloud 

Even though many might think otherwise, there are many businesses around the world with data centres that are on-premise. However, this opens them to many risks, the most important one being cybersecurity. And with the advent of remote and hybrid working modes, getting on the cloud is simply a no-brainer. 

As a result, many businesses have shifted to the cloud, be it private, public, or zero-trust sovereign cloud. With a predicted increase in networks and data, most organizations will likely not manage it all in-house. This makes contracts for secure access cloud services one of the top digital disruption trends to look out for in 2023. 

5. The Promise of Metaverse

Metaverse was one of the most talked about trends in 2022, with organizations using it for onboarding and hosting virtual events. In 2023, the use case of Metaverse is set to expand exponentially. Brands are coming up with versions of this engaging and immersive platform to take audience engagement to the next level. The rise of 5G will also make the consumption of Metaverse more convenient and accessible.

Engaging with audiences and clients through multiple formats is a must in the face of steep competition, and Metaverse is a perfect digital disruption trend to facilitate the same. Instead of dismissing it as a fad or adopting a ‘wait and watch’ approach, organizations should proactively adopt Metaverse in 2023 to reap maximum benefits from it. 

6. The Advent of Web 3.0

Blockchain technology is already powering the adoption of Web 3.0, and we will see more of it in 2023. Despite the issues faced by the cryptocurrency industry in 2022, dismissing the advent of Web 3.0 is a mistake. Its applications stretch beyond, and many organizations such as Airtel, MasterCard, and Visa are developing their Web 3.0 capabilities to prepare for what is about to come. 

7. Steps towards Digital Sustainability 

While being digital-first should be an absolute priority, it is also essential to keep in mind the negative social impact of this approach. 3.7% of worldwide greenhouse emissions are generated from devices, internet access, and the network of systems that we use for everyday functioning. Organizations should prioritize digital sustainability to combat this and give back to society in 2023. 

Digital sustainability is all about using technology itself to minimize the negative environmental impact associated with it. Seemingly small steps, such as limiting conversations to only relevant emails or just turning off workplace devices when they are not in use, can go a long way in ensuring digital sustainability for organizations. Even moving from paper to paperless operations can contribute to this movement, and all that is required to get started is the right intent and awareness. 



As you can see, we are in for both tech disruptions and the scaling up of existing technologies in 2023. Organizations looking for digital success need to understand the relevance of these tech disruption trends to their business and adopt them accordingly. It is not the time to shy away from digital-first investments, as they can take your business to unmatched levels of success while caring for the environment. 

How Can No-Code Technology Help Your Organization?

Whatever your digital goals are, from going paperless to automation to even business process improvement, no-code technology can help you get there. All while reducing the burden on your IT department and bringing about a culture of digital dexterity in your organization. You can even simplify complex processes or increase visibility on critical tasks by partnering with the right no-code platform. Ready to transform your business? Get started now and experience the power of automation and app creation, all without the need for coding skills.

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