Is coding a required skill in an automated world
Quixy Editorial Team
August 10, 2023
Reading Time: 7 minutes

This article (Is Coding Really an End-All Skill for an Automated World?) was first published on Readwrite

Automation is the next big thing, and the benefits of this new technology have proven themselves again and again. However, this has led to some confusion regarding how the workforce may need to change to suit the needs of this new technological landscape. This also leads to the question, is coding a required skill? Or can we do without it?

At the first glance, coding seems to be the most useful skill going forward which could enable individuals to help build applications and tools to meet the current automation needs. But then again, coding is not for everyone. What happens in such a case? Are there no other options? These are the questions we will explore in this blog.

What is automation?

Automation is the technology, processes, programs, or robotics that can ensure that business goals are met with minimum human intervention. Automation of tasks is undertaken to achieve maximum efficiency, speed, and productivity while reducing problems and errors to a minimum. There are many different automation types, including business process automation, robotic process automation, workflow automation, etc. All these types of automation can be utilized in different sectors and industries, leading to improved performance and productivity.

Many people are also wary of automation as it may be possible to replace their jobs with machines and technology. A WEF report says that by 2025, the time spent on tasks by machines and humans will be equal. Despite these statistics, the automation revolution may lead to the creation of 97 million new jobs, leading to new employment opportunities. To remain relevant in an automated world, employees will need to adapt and reskill themselves to suit the new technological landscape.

A WEF report says that by 2025, the time spent on tasks by machines and humans will be equal. Despite these statistics, the automation revolution may lead to the creation of 97 million new jobs, which can lead to new employment opportunities.

Although automation is utilized to speed up and improve the productivity of basic tasks, this also frees up the time of the employees to focus on more valuable and high-level tasks. Hyperautomation has also become popular as it can provide a method of orchestrating many different tasks together on the basis of data. The ability to build and create will be of the utmost importance going forward. Employees who can reskill and upskill themselves with relevant skills will be in demand, and automation may be the catalyst that leads to a whole new set of required skills in the future. However that leads to the question – is coding a required skill in an automated world?


What is coding?

Coding is a skill that can enable people to create software, websites, applications, etc. There has been a huge wave of encouragement for everyone to learn to code. Countries across the world have started teaching basic coding skills to children as part of their school curriculum. As code and programming seem to be the basis of our technological world, it seems imperative that individuals learn how to code.

To learn how to code, an individual needs to learn a particular coding language. There are many coding languages and each of them can be used for a specific purpose. Currently, the most popular coding languages include JavaScript, Python, PHP, SQL, C, C++, Java, C#, GO, R, Swift. These languages are all created to suit different needs such as web development, writing desktop software, mobile app development, hardware development, etc.

With so many different coding languages and choices, it is easy to get confused. Learning a new coding language is akin to learning a whole new language, complete with new words, syntax, grammar, and rules. This can be difficult for individuals without the aptitude for coding or a programming background.

But is coding for everybody?

Coding is an important skill; however, everyone may not have the aptitude for it. There are a variety of reasons why learning how to code might not be feasible for certain people:

1. Coding is complicated

Learning how to code requires individuals to learn a whole new coding language. If people aren’t used to sitting in front of the computer for long amounts of time and focusing on writing endless lines of code, this can become tedious and frustrating for some. Coding can also take a lot of time to learn if you’re learning it on your own, and coding boot camps can be expensive.

2. Coding is simply a tool

Coding languages are simply tools to create applications and programs that achieve a defined goal. Only learning a coding language will not be useful in the long run if your problem-solving skills are not developed simultaneously. Coding is a tool that can help people solve problems using specific coding languages, so learning to understand and comprehend the problem in a way that can be solved using code is half of the battle.

3. The coding world is ever-changing

Those who learned how to code in the past might have sworn by coding languages like FORTRAN or PASCAL, but newer languages like Python and JavaScript have succeeded these languages in the past few years. The coding world is constantly improving and innovating. If an individual is learning coding as a secondary skill while holding on to a full-time job, it may get exhausting to keep up with constant innovations.

4. Coding is not an end-all skill

Coding is definitely a good skill to have. However, it isn’t an end-all skill that will render all other skills obsolete. Coding is a tool that can help translate functionalities into a coding language that can be used by computers to create apps or websites. However, if the website or application has a specific topic like gardening or beauty, experts in the gardening and beauty fields will become indispensable. These experts will have insights and knowledge that won’t be available anywhere else. Experts with domain knowledge will be indispensable in the future, especially with AI coming up.

Coding may not be the way forward for everybody. What’s more important is learning how to use and leverage new technology to help you in your profession. New technology like low-code no-code can be the solution for people who don’t know how to code.

Low-Code No-Code can be the solution for people who don’t know how to code.

What is low-code development?

Low-code development is a method for developers to design applications quickly with minimum manual or hand-coding. Low-code involves using drag-and-drop blocks of pre-written code into a workflow to help create applications. It can completely speed up developing a new application for developers since they won’t get caught up in repetitive hand-coding. Low-code development assumes that the user has some level of technical knowledge of coding and coding languages.

Also read: No-Code Vs. Low-Code: Breaking down the Pros and Cons!

What is no-code development?

No-code development is a form of web development that can help non-programmers and citizen developers create software, websites, and applications using a visual user interface. This form of development allows people to create using new technology without letting a lack of coding skills become a barrier to entry. No-code development involves creating robust solutions that can be created without writing even a single line of code. Thus, no-code application builders can be a good solution to the question of ‘is coding a required skill’.

Quixy form builder

No-code solutions can also lead to benefits like:

  • Quicker and easier prototypes and MVPs
  • Reduction of dependencies on developers
  • Faster launches
  • Increased autonomy
  • Reduced production costs

No-code development can help citizen developers and non-technical people create websites, applications, and software through democratizing technical skill sets. This technology can empower business users and employees everywhere by abstracting technical complexities and creating a unique visual interface. No-code application builders are perfect for businesses that need custom applications to help with specific business requirements.

Also read: Everything you should know about No-Code Development

There are many examples of successful citizen developers, and Gartner predicts that there will be 4 times more citizen developers than professional developers at enterprises in the coming year. This will definitely help lessen the load on the IT team in the organization, leading to more time that can be focused on strategic ventures. The IT team is often overwhelmed with maintaining existing software and other operational backlogs, which can be resolved by giving citizen developers a chance to share the load.

Gartner predicts that there will be 4 times more citizen developers than professional developers at enterprises in coming year.

No-code development can help bridge the gap between the previously impossible idea of creating websites and applications without any prior knowledge of coding. Businesses can now adopt this form of development to help existing employees create and design business applications without the need for specially hired developers and programmers. This opens the doors to creating hybrid positions that can merge existing expertise and domain knowledge with basic development skills through no-code platforms. These individuals will be better prepared to meet future challenges and adapt to the business and employment conditions created through automation.  

Citizen developers have gotten no-code resources now to help them create websites and applications that are best suited for the unique needs of their profession that they know inside out. These developers have the chance to become invaluable assets due to their unique knowledge of the needs of their domain. Citizen developers now have the chance to develop new abilities and adapt in an automated world without being forced to let go of their experience and domain knowledge.

traditional coding vs low-code vs no-code

Different uses of no-code tools

No-code tools are a gamechanger. These tools have provided an alternative for the question of ‘is coding a required skill?’. No longer is it necessary to have a full team of developers working to create applications and programs for specific requirements; instead, now employees and business users have the means to create basic flexible applications on their own. No-code tools aren’t just limited to creating websites and applications; they can also be integrated with other technology like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Machine Learning (ML) to increase capabilities.

  • Artificial intelligence: These technologies can help you leverage the data you have and use no-code solutions to automate tasks that you couldn’t before. AI can be integrated with no-code tools to help perform unique tasks that are dependent on comprehending data.
  • Robotic process automation: If companies want to use RPA automation, they need to program and debug the tools themselves. Using no-code tools with RPA, businesses can program the RPA automation faster, simplify maintenance, and ensure that tasks are completed and automated accurately.
  • Machine learning: No-code machine learning bridges the gap between non-technical users and machine learning. Machine learning coding is no longer a required skill for no-code users to learn for successful ML ventures. This can also reduce the need for professional data scientists and streamline data collection from other business employees.


In an automated world, coding is a useful skill, and programmers and developers need to stay updated and knowledgeable about different coding languages. However, coding may not be for everyone, and that’s where solutions like no-code and low-code come in to answer the question of ‘is coding a required skill?’.

No-code low-code solutions are the way forward for those who don’t have the aptitude or time to take-up full-time coding. These solutions can also help businesses lessen their IT team load and enable their other employees to create applications and websites using no-code low-code platforms.

Quixy is a no-code platform that provides an intuitive visual builder that can help develop a website or application. Citizen developers and other business users can definitely benefit from this platform. Don’t miss out on the chance to elevate your processes. Take the first step and get started with Quixy today.

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