Platform Updates
Quixy Editorial Team
May 5, 2021
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Quixy release 2.5 comes with some exciting platform updates. For a detailed note, please refer to the release notes in the Quixy platform.

UI Improvements in Mobile App

This release comes with a big upgrade to the user interface of the Quixy mobile app to provide you with a great user experience. The upgrade includes changes to the bottom menu, task management, notifications, and many more to give you a buttery smooth experience.

Mobile UI

Improvements in Web Application

Quick Flows in Apps

The Print Records option in apps has been renamed Quick Flows. The two Print Records options, Direct Print and Quick Print, have been renamed as Print Record and Print App Record in Quick Flows; in addition to these two options, we’ve added two more options to Quick Flows.

1. Open App Add Record option is to collaborate two apps and establish a communication between them to share data from the first app to the second app, which opens in add record mode immediately after you submit a record in the first app.

For Example, An employee in an organization conducts a field survey in which he must record employee details in one app and observations in another. He can use Quick Flows to collaborate with these two apps so that they open one after the other without him having to navigate to each app separately to enter data, such as opening the observations app immediately after submitting a record in the employee details app.

2. Open App as Report option provides the same functionality as the Open App Add Record option, except that the second app will open in read-only mode, allowing you only to view the data shared by the first app but not take any action or add any records.

For Example: If an employee in a company needs to see a review of his survey data after completing his field survey and uploading his observations in an app, he can use Quick Flows to link the observations app with another app and transfer the data from the observations app to the other app, which will open in read-only mode just to review the data after submitting a record in the observation app.

Quick Flows

Submit a record using a QR code scanner

You can now automatically submit a record in an application immediately after scanning a QR code with the help of a QR code scanner without having to manually type into the record fields.

For example: Marking your attendance at your office, when you scan the attendance QR code while entering your office, the application captures the details like date & time, location, and employee id and automatically submits the attendance as present.

Watch Webinar: What is inside Quixy’s latest April 2021 Upgrade?

Subscription Details

If you’re looking for your subscription details in Quixy, which you may have forgotten about days or months after purchasing it, do not worry, you can now see all your subscription details in Admin Menu > Preferences > Account & subscriptions.


Filters in List Screen

You can now apply filters to the data columns in the list screen to extract the information you need to analyze and act on.

List Screen


If you are an existing user and have any questions about these features or any suggestions for new features, please feel free to write to us at [email protected].

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