Custom Mail Notifications
Quixy Editorial Team
August 11, 2023
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Workflows are essential to every business. Each workflow typically involves multiple stakeholders, and it’s important that these stakeholders stay up to date with the status as work progresses through the workflow. Notifications to the stakeholders at each step of the workflow keep the stakeholders up-to-date. However, manually sending each notification to keep the workflow going and keeping everyone informed can be a daunting task. That’s where Quixy’s automatically generated custom notifications come into the picture.

When these notifications run autonomously, you and the rest of your team can focus on other important duties. You can work on things like nurturing leads and getting things done rather than worrying about sending an email to remind someone to complete their task or notify others of the status of your task.

On Quixy, we have default SMS and Email templates that can be triggered for actions like tasks created, tasks completed, task reminders, task escalations, etc. These default templates can be further customized using simple or rich text editors as per your unique requirements. You may also include the data from the app in these custom templates to make the notifications more useful and include information that stakeholders may benefit from. You can also use images, company logos, font style, and colors you want in the templates to improve their effectiveness.

Watch Webinar: Drive faster actions and better decisions with Quixy Custom Notifications

Let us know more and understand the functionality better:

Types of notifications

Quixy provides multiple types of notifications that can be used based on user requirements.

App Notifications Types

Each type has an SMS and Email template associated with it that can be further customized.

Custom Notifications

1. App notification

App Notification

These are general app-level notifications that can be customized as per specific requirements.

2. Task created

This notification template can be used to notify users when a workflow task is created.

3. Task completed

This notification template can be used to notify users when a workflow task is completed.

4. Task reminder

This notification template can be used when the user doesn’t act on an assigned task within a certain period of time. These may be configured to repeat till the task is completed.

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5. Task escalation

This notification template can be used to notify the assignee’s manager whenever he or she doesn’t act on an assigned task within a certain period of time. These may be configured to repeat till the task is completed.


Notification Levels

This configuration decides whether the notification is triggered for every step of the workflow, a particular step, or a particular action within a particular step. 

1. App level

In this case, the notification will be triggered for each step of the workflow e.g. for a leave application workflow, a notification will be triggered when an employee submits an application, the manager approves or rejects it, and HR processes it.

2. Step Level

The notification will be triggered for a particular step in the workflow e.g. for a leave application workflow, step-level notification can be configured to be triggered when an employee submits an application, or when the manager approves it, or when HR processes it.

3. Action Level

The notification will be triggered for a particular action within a particular step in the workflow e.g when a leave application is approved or rejected by the manager.

Also read: In-App Conversations: A New and Effective Way to Interact

“Report To” and “CC to Type” Configuration

This configuration decides to whom the notifications are sent and who is copied on those notifications.

1. Users

Selecting Users will display a list of users in the organization. One may select multiple users from the list who need to be notified.

2. Roles

Selecting Roles will display the list of roles in the organization.  One may select multiple roles from the list who need to be notified. All users having the selected roles will be notified in this case.

3. Assignee manager

Selecting the assignee manager will display the list of assignee managers (all levels of managers as per the hierarchy) in the organization. 

4. Assignee

Selecting Assignee will send a notification to the person who is assigned the task as per the workflow configuration.

5. App data

This option is selected when a notification needs to be sent to a phone number or email if captured as part of the app data.

Rule-based Notifications

Users can also add a rule for any notification that is based on some condition e.g. for a leave application workflow. A rule can be configured to trigger the notification only when the type of leave is “Medical Leave” or the period of leave is greater than a certain number of days.  

The bottom line is 

Workflow notifications are an important part of keeping the workflow moving. With Quixy’s custom workflow notification, all the stakeholders in the workflow can have the most up-to-date information about the progress. It gives users more flexibility by enabling them to select notification trigger points based on level and allowing them to edit email templates as per their needs. 

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

What is workflow email notification?

Workflow email notification is a feature within a workflow system that sends automated email messages to relevant individuals or groups during different stages of a process. It keeps stakeholders informed about the progress or status of a workflow.

What is the workflow system used for?

A workflow system is used to automate, streamline, and manage business processes. It orchestrates tasks, defines the flow of work, and ensures efficient collaboration within an organization. Workflow systems enhance productivity and visibility into operations.

What is a custom workflow?

A custom workflow is a tailored sequence of tasks and activities created to meet specific business requirements. Organizations often customize workflows to align with their unique processes and objectives, optimizing efficiency and outcomes.

What are workflow notifications?

Workflow notifications are automated alerts or messages generated by a workflow system to inform users about task assignments, completion, or any significant changes within a process. Notifications keep participants informed and facilitate smooth collaboration.

Can workflow send email?

Yes, workflows can be configured to send email notifications. This functionality is commonly used to keep stakeholders updated on task assignments, deadlines, or any changes in the workflow. Email integration enhances communication and ensures timely awareness of workflow events.

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