Business Validations
Quixy Editorial Team
August 10, 2023
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Business validations on the Quixy platform are quite powerful and extremely functional, helping Citizen Developers add depth to the process and apps. Before everything else, let us first try to understand what a business validation is. The definition of validation is quite fluid, and we shall view the definition from Quixy’s lens.

What is a Business Validation?

You will find a remarkable similarity between a business validation and a business rule on the Quixy platform in terms of how the conditions are formulated. Trust us, beyond the conditions part, and they are poles apart. While the business rule is specifically leveraged to influence the behaviour or value based on certain conditions, business validation is specifically used to enforce workflow-specific controls on the app level fields.

For example, assume that you are trying to automate your insurance policy approval workflow. And hence, you build an app for the sales agent to capture prospects’ information and their intent to purchase a policy. You may want to enforce specific validations on certain data capturing based on conditions. For example, suppose the prospect wishes to submit a Permanent Account Number as identity proof, then business validation. In that case, you can enforce a pattern in which he is made aware of entering the value in a specific format. Another example, based on the policy type selected, enforce specific optional fields such as Occupation, Annual Compensation, Height, Weight, etc., to be mandatory.

What is possible with Business Validation?

With Quixy, you will be able to enforce data validations specific to business needs on one or more fields at a time based on particular scenarios or needs. The icing on the cake, you can add more dimensions to these business validations with Workflow process stages so that a few validations apply to only a few steps in your process.

Business validations have two distinct components, namely: Conditions and Validations. Let us now dive into each.


Compare with Value

This is used when you wish to compare a value entered by the individual in an app with a specific static numeric, date, time, or text value—for example, comparing the value entered with a constant number 12.

Also Read: Intelligent text extraction on Chrome with Quixy Toolbox

Compare with Field

This is used when you wish to compare a value entered by the user in the app with a value from a different field or element—for example, comparing the value in the text box with the value from the data field.




When you wish to make an optional field mandatory.


When you wish to enforce minimum and maximum characters that the user can enter in a field.


When you wish to validate if the entered number is a valid 10-digit mobile number.


When you wish to validate if the entered text is a valid email.


When you wish to validate text based on a specific pattern, you will be able to leverage predefined or custom regular expressions to validate the text.

Date Range

When you wish to restrict the user to enter a date within a specific range.


When you wish to enforce a custom validation on one or more fields, the validation text will have to be legible for the user to understand the action they are expected to take.

Also read: Enrich your app experience with Quixy Business Rules

Advantages of business validations

Validations can sometimes be a saving grace as it gives you the much-needed flexibility to influence the behaviour of the form fields based on the business needs. Listed are a few advantages of business validations:

  • Assist in the development of apps that follow company procedures as well as public (industry or government-imposed) regulations
  • Increased process efficiency by ensuring capturing of accurate information
  • Influence the behaviour of the user to extract the right business outcome
  • Better workflow consistency 
  • Improved flexibility in the app-building process

Watch Webinar: Learning how to use Business Rules and Validations in Quixy

Real-world examples of business rules

Here are a few examples for you

  • Example #1: Enforce Occupation as a Mandatory field when the age exceeds 21 years.
  • Example #2: Change the expected text pattern (numeric, alphabet, alphanumeric, etc.) based on the document type selected, i.e., Passport, Permanent Account Number, etc.
  • Example #3: Restrict the user from selecting a date that is beyond the 31st of December in a particular year.
  • Example #4: Allow the user to enter a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 characters in the First and Last name fields.
  • Example #5: Prompt the user to enter an Email ID in the Email field and restrict the user from entering a text that does not adhere to the email pattern.


Quixy platform provides a rich set of features that empower citizen developers to build simple to complex business applications and automate workflows without writing any code. Don’t miss out on the chance to elevate your processes. Take the first step and get started with Quixy today.

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