Platform Updates
Quixy Editorial Team
August 4, 2022
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Release 3.0 is finally here!

We are incredibly excited to share new and exciting features and platform updates dropping in this release. Refer to our detailed Release Notes.

Watch the release highlights

Improvements in Web Application

All New Manage Apps

We have reimagined the way apps are managed in Quixy. You will now find the apps organized by Workspaces and all app-specific functionalities handy. With this release, we have introduced App analytics that provides users’ usage behaviour and much more. Learn more.

All new manage apps

Join the discussion in the Quixy community on Manage Apps

Transformative Experience with Data Sources

With this upgrade, Data Sources would be a game changer for many. Introducing a visual canvas for combining multiple tables to extract insights. Then, we have added Joins to add depth to your data sources. Finally, you can merge two or more data sources to create large datasets for your visualization and analytics needs – We call it a “Super Data Source.” Learn More.

Transformative Experience with Data Sources

Join the discussion in the Quixy community on Data Sources

Group Aggregates in List Screen

You are familiar with the Group Aggregates functionality in Grid Report and Pivot Report. This very functionality is now available in the List screen as well, allowing you to perform quick calculations such as sum, average, etc on the numeric column fields.

Group Aggregates in List screen

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Introducing Quixy Chatbot

Now access and interact with your Quixy apps from Microsoft Teams. Search and Download the Quixy app from the Teams store, and follow the on-screen instructions to get started. Learn More.

Quixy Chatbot

If you are an existing user and have any questions about these features or any suggestions for new features, please feel free to write to us at [email protected].

Begin your journey towards streamlined operations and tailored apps – all with the simplicity of our platform. Get started today to harness the potential of automation. 

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