  • Books for BPM
    Top 20 Essential Books for BPM – Business Process Management
    Reading Time: 11 minutes

    BPM or Business Process Management requires professionals to carry out the streamlining of processes without any unexpected trouble. This is definitely a huge responsibility on their shoulders. There are very many resources online and offline to learn about BPM; we have assessed a number of books to provide the top 20 business process management essentials.

    BPA for Great Resignation
    Business Process Automation – The Key to stopping the Great Resignation
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    The great resignation started as a response to the American government refusing to provide employee benefits during the covid19 pandemic. It led to the United States facing 10.9 million open jobs at the end of July 2021. 2.9% of the American workforce, roughly 4.3 million people, left their jobs in August 2021. This nightmare for

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