Quixy Editorial Team
August 11, 2023
Reading Time: 4 minutes

This article was first published on Nasscom Community.

The CIO has traditionally been in charge of managing the entire IT department. The CIO oversees the maintenance and improvement of the company’s internal technology and IT infrastructure to ensure maximum productivity and the automation of complex tasks. However, with the recent surge in different tools and applications being utilized by business users outside of the IT department, the scope of the CIO has increased considerably.

Digital transformation is now one of the most important considerations for CIOs, as they are entrusted to bring about continuous improvements in the systems, technology, information, and data used by their company. They are always on the lookout for any solution that can improve current operations and streamline and accelerate delivery processes. They will also be looking for a solution that can help satisfy the needs of the internal team without leaving the organization open for any data-related attacks or requiring a large amount of external help to function.

CIOs also need to consider digital agility and flexibility while taking decisions, as they need to guide their organization through turbulent markets by setting systems in place that adapt to it all. 


No-Code for CIOs

This is where no-code fits in perfectly to enable CIOs to bring about digital transformation in their organization. No-code technology allows organizations to build digital solutions fast, without writing a single line of code. No-code has been touted as the next big thing, with Gartner predicting that by 2025, 70% of software development will be done through no-code low-code.

The solutions and automated workflows built with no-code are extremely agile and highly functional in nature, and both of these qualities are top priorities for CIOs. With the help of no-code technology, CIOs are enabled to implement the digital vision that they have for their organization, something that would not have been possible with the use of traditional software development. Below, we discuss a few benefits of no-code development that will be appreciated by CIOs. 

Explore: Quixy for CISO

Benefits of adopting no-code

Benefits of adopting no-code

1. Enterprise-grade data security and privacy

Security and privacy of data is a genuine concern for every CIO, and no-code delivers on this need. It ensures appropriate controls are in force at each stage, including application design, development, release, hosting, and maintenance. Most no-code applications and platforms have security features built-in which can solve the security issue. These platforms can help simplify many processes and projects by having built-in features to help keep information and data secure. In this case, you don’t have to settle for a subpar solution to your problems.

2. Reduced burden on IT departments

As CIOs work closely with the IT departments, they have an exact idea of how overburdened they are. Instead of focusing on creating complex and high-level solutions that lead to organizational success, they are most often bogged down by creating day-to-day solutions.

As no-code allows business users to build their own solutions, IT departments are empowered to use their time for more meaningful and significant projects. They can then work closely with the CIO in creating impressive value for the organization.

Watch Related Webinar: The Gartner 2022 CIO Agenda: Make Composability Your Superpower

3. Improved IT hiring

No-code platforms are built to make it easier for users to learn how to use them. Due to this, it’s possible to widen the candidate pool for the IT department as new employees could be trained to use the platform in a few weeks. The employees won’t need to learn for years about building enterprise-grade programs with hand-coding, instead, they can use efficient no-code application development platforms.

4. Reducing the risk of shadow IT

Shadow IT is a problem for most large organizations as many unauthorized IT projects are funded and pursued without the knowledge of the IT department. No-code can help stop this by implementing a faster application development process thus freeing up the IT department to pay attention to other projects. 

In addition to this, if the business users and IT department work together, the CIO can keep an eye on which tools are being used by the business leaders and teams. This can prevent security risks in the future.

5. Increased innovation and digital dexterity

No-code furthers innovation by empowering every business user to build applications for their unique challenges without depending entirely on IT. This leads to a digital movement and becomes the catalyst in business that considers every aspect of the digital environment to govern the processes, people, and data associated with it. No-code provides the necessary acceleration and agility to enterprises’ digital transformation initiatives to succeed in today’s competitive environment, which is exactly every CIO’s vision. 

Also read: Breaking down the benefits of No-Code for CEO, CIO, CISO, CFO, and Business Leaders


It is well understood by CEOs that digitization is the way to create value and continue innovation for their organizations. In such a scenario, CIOs must choose the right business application platforms since packaged software solutions cannot meet every business’s unique requirements. Quixy’s no-code development platform allows organizations to reduce the IT backlog by creating applications, automating workflows, and seamlessly integrating them into the IT landscape without compromising data security.
So what are you waiting for? Begin your journey towards streamlined operations and tailored apps – all with the simplicity of our platform. Get started today to harness the potential of automation.

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