  • No-Code & Women in Tech
    No-Code & Women in Tech: A Match Made in Heaven
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    The underrepresentation of women in tech jobs has been a longstanding issue in the industry, leading to a lack of diversity and innovation. Only 26.7% of tech-related jobs are held by women. However, the rise of #NoCode is helping to break down these barriers and provide opportunities for women in tech industry. A Panel Discussion

    Break the Bias-Women at Quixy
    Quixians pledge to #BreakTheBias on International Women’s Day 2022
    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    Consider a world where men and women are treated equally. A world without prejudice, stereotypes, or discrimination. A varied, equal, and inclusive world. A world in which diversity is welcomed and celebrated. Research shows that women comprise only 34% of the IT workforce. Despite the fact that companies with diverse workforces perform better, hire better

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