Success Story

 Revolutionizing Inspections: From Manual to Digital, A Success Story

HMWSSB - Inspections


Customer Brief

With everything related to inspection done manually on excel sheets or documents, it was becoming hard for executives of HMWSSB to validate the information and to know the current status of any CAN (Customer Account Numbers). The automated inspection application built on Quixy not only digitally transformed their process but also helped consolidate the information leading to more transparency and better decision-making.


Under the HMWSSB, there are nearly 10 Lakh water and sewerage connection CANs (Customer Account Numbers). Every CAN is needed to be inspected from time to time. The records related to the payments, whether in instalments or single payments made, customer’s name, amount dues, interest calculated, budget remarks, arrears amount, date of inspection etc., needed to be tracked. The tracking of the status of these CANs was done through excel and manually prepared sheets by the inspectors or field Quality Control Staff. 

Once the inspection was done, manual reports were prepared in excel and shared with the respective stakeholders. 

Tracking the status via excel did not provide a complete view, and it was difficult to validate if the information was up to date. And because of the manual addition of data, it was hard to determine whether the inspection of the CAN was done for real.

Plus, adding data to excel was a tedious and time-consuming task. It took users a lot of time to scroll through fields and rows to find the exact current information.  

HMWSSB was looking for a solution that could help provide a 360-degree view of the CANs with real-time information.


With Quixy’s no-code capabilities and the ability to provide solutions to unique problems, HMWSSB was able to achieve build the automated inspection solution within 15 days. The inspection module built on Quixy provides a universal view of the inspection done.

The CAN inspector can fill in data like single payments or the number of instalments received with the module. Every time an inspection is done, the CAN inspector can add his current location, category, remarks, inspection images, date etc. This helps in validating the information added.  

The reports are automatically generated and sent to the respective GM and DGM to check the inspection status.    

The inspection module is accessible to all the inspectors via mobile, and the information can be added using the mobile application, which reduces the manual adding of data from papers to excel

Benefits Galore

With Quixy’s no-code application development capabilities, HMWSSB could achieve the following benefits:
1. Convert tedious excel work into an organized manner and consolidate all the data as per their requirements.
2. Reduction in cost and time as the inspections are done via Quixy’s modules and can be checked by DGMs anywhere with the mobile app. 
3. Better data transparency as the information is readily available for all the stakeholders.
4. Real-time information availability enhances work efficiency, leading to faster and easier approvals.
5. Capturing all the information digitally reduced the truckload of paperwork for employees.

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