
Overall Satisfaction Ratings Comparison

Quixy vs Zoho Creator Satisfaction Ratings

Quixy vs Zoho Creator: Feature Comparison

(representative of reviewers’ overall satisfaction)

Quixy vs Zoho Creator Comparison Development


Becomes so easy in comparison to Zoho Creator, as you can use the base-level application templates to build atop, which you users can customize for specific users and actions. Also, UI Code extending Gives users the ability to edit or write custom HTML, Javascript or CSS code.And, WYSIWYG Editor Provides the ability to drag and drop elements into the application to customize interface.Which you can Share, review and develop web applications remotely between members of a collaborative team. 


Application Deployment is better than Zoho Creator, making releasing applications on desktop or mobile devices easier. Native Deployment directly by the product’s vendor, with top-notch Data Security that prevents external access to data, where administrators can control updates and releases. Scalability allows scaling for large organizations. Also, seamless lifecycle management provides application management and maintenance, from built throughout the release until its deactivation. 
Quixy vs Zoho Creator Comparison Administration
Quixy vs Zoho Creator comparison Automation


Outperforming Zoho Creator, the workflow automation streamlines your work processes & provides relevant information to the people whose actions are required. For easy management of workflow, the mapping feature visually displays connected applications and integrated data. And with real-time updates processing changes to data sources and applications as changes are made in real-time.

Quixy outperforms Zoho Creator on all KPIs

Estimated ROI
Quixy vs Zoho Creator comparison Estimated ROI
Average User Adoption
Quixy vs Zoho Creator comparison Avg User Adoption
Implementation Time
Quixy vs Zoho Creator comparison Implementation Time

Usability Index

Quixy vs Zoho Creator comparison Usability Index

Implementation Index

Quixy vs Zoho Creator comparison Implementation Index

Relationship Index

Quixy vs Zoho Creator comparison Relationship Index

Results Index

Quixy vs Zoho Creator comparison Results Index

Source: G2 Reports | Winter 2023

Entry-level Pricing Comparison

Quixy Pricing Plan
Zoho Creator Pricing Plan

Quixy rated #1 platform across 2 categories in G2's Winter 2023 Momentum Reports

G2 Momentum Leader Winter 2023

Satisfaction Ratings across Review Platforms

Quixy vs zoho creator Star Ratings

Quixy trusted by businesses across industries