
Overall Satisfaction Ratings Comparison

Quixy vs Outsystems Satisfaction Ratings

Quixy vs OutSystems: Feature Comparison

(representative of reviewers’ overall satisfaction)

Quixy vs Outsystems Evaluation & Contracting Ratings

Evaluation & Contracting

Quixy’s pricing model offers more flexibility than OutSystems, allowing customers to pay only for the features they need, with no hidden costs or long-term contracts. Additionally, users can first opt for a free trial period to explore the platform and its capabilities before making a financial commitment. We deliver tailor-made solutions that perfectly match your needs. This personalized approach has earned Quixy a reputation for outstanding customer service and exceptional software products.

Integration & Deployment

Because of Quixy’s ease of deployment it outperforms Outsystems in being an efficient platform for businesses to implement and integrate into their existing systems. As it can be seamlessly connected using standard APIs and tools, this eliminates the need for extensive technical expertise and allows quick and seamless deployment. Users can also easily connect with popular apps and services such as Zapier, Slack, and Microsoft Office.
Quixy vs outsystems Integration & Deployment ratings
Quixy vs outsystems Service & Support ratings

Service & Support

With prompt communication to resolve our customer’s queries we performed better than Outsystems, including the time it takes us to receive and review a request for proposal (RFP), provide a proposal, negotiate terms, and ultimately sign a contract. Also, Quixy’s technical support is known for being responsive, knowledgeable, and helpful in addressing customer inquiries and issues. And, for you to connect with your peers and other users, we have a Quixy community to share ideas to build and showcase your innovations.

Quixy outperforms OutSystems on all KPIs

Estimated ROI
Quixy vs Outsystems comparison Estimated ROI
Average User Adoption
Quixy vs Outsystems comparison Avg User Adoption
Implementation Time
Quixy vs Outsystems comparison Implementation Time

Usability Index

Quixy vs OutSystems comparison Usability Index

Implementation Index

Quixy vs OutSystems comparison Implementation Index

Relationship Index

Quixy vs OutSystems comparison Relationship Index

Results Index

Quixy vs OutSystems comparison Results Index

Source: G2 Reports | Winter 2023 and Gartner Peer Insights

Entry-level Pricing Comparison

Quixy Pricing Plan
OutSystems Pricing Plan

Quixy rated #1 platform across 2 categories in G2's Winter 2023 Momentum Reports

G2 Momentum Leader Winter 2023

Satisfaction Ratings across Review Platforms

Quixy vs Outsystems Star Ratings

Quixy trusted by businesses across industries