
Overall Satisfaction Ratings Comparison

Quixy vs Joget Satisfaction Ratings

Quixy vs Joget: Feature Comparison

(representative of reviewers’ overall satisfaction)

Quixy vs Joget comparison Process Management

Process Management

Better process overview than Joget, to help you get a complete blueprint to see how workflows & all your processes work together. It helps to plan delivery data points such as time and cost of a process. View the process’s performance through real-time data processing & manage tasks in real-time. Easy and streamlined document approval processes save your time and overall business costs.


You can create documents with a wide variety of customizable templates, along with customizing your workflows to align with your business objectives. In comparison to Joget, easily keep previously used workflows in the process repository for future use. The No-Code Low-Code development drag-and-drop tools can be used by admins with little to no coding knowledge to build applications & automate workflows.
Quixy vs Joget comparison Customization
Quixy vs Joget comparison Collaboration


The permissions for sharing lets the decision-makers easily share processes with the proper employees. With data unification, you can compile data from across all systems so that users can view relevant information easily. We’re also scoring high in comparison to Joget in helping users to access workflows and processes from anywhere, given that employees in different locations and roles will require. 

Process Development

We aced over Joget for Process routing too. Our well efficient routing ensures the right task is assigned to the proper employee across an entire process. It shows the different stages of the process and how tasks move. You can add different types of tasks, such as forms to collect information, approvals, sending notifications to users. Once the routing process is complete, you test it to ensure it works as expected. 

Quixy vs Joget comparison Process Development

Quixy outperforms Joget on all KPIs

Estimated ROI
Quixy vs Joget comparison Estimated ROI
Average User Adoption
Quixy vs Joget comparison Avg User Adoption
Implementation Time
Quixy vs Joget comparison Implementation Time

Usability Index

Quixy vs Joget comparison Usability Index

Implementation Index

Quixy vs Joget comparison Implementation Index

Relationship Index

Quixy vs Joget comparison Relationship Index

Results Index

Quixy vs Joget comparison Results Index

Source: G2 Reports | Winter 2023

Entry-level Pricing Comparison

Quixy Pricing Plan
Joget Pricing Plan

Quixy rated #1 platform across 2 categories in G2's Winter 2023 Momentum Reports

G2 Momentum Leader Winter 2023

Satisfaction Ratings across Review Platforms

Quixy vs Joget Star Ratings

Quixy trusted by businesses across industries